Friday, January 16, 2015

Sipping the Crewlade...

Bad habits die hard yo!  It's one thing to say "okay, I'm not going to shop anymore" but it's entirely another to completely change your habits.  My daily habits are checking J Crew to see if anything interesting popped back in stock.  I have now learned that when an item does indeed pop back it's quite challenging not to click on that pesky add to cart button.

Okay, a lot of you might be thinking, well yeah that's quite obvious, or maybe even why don't you simply not go on J Crew.  It's not that simple.  I wish it were.  It's like me eating way too much sugar and someone saying hey, just have one cookie.  It's a habit.  I can't stop at one cookie and I can't stop shopping.

Soooo.... this cold turkey thing is over.  I will now go back to the list method.  This is where i compile a list of items I want and only purchase those items.  It helped a lot last year and I think with making a decent list I can do even better this year.

In other news, I am quite happy with the latest bracelet I bought from J Crew.  The arm party continues...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

It Be Callin Me Yo...

So I gave in to the sweet temptation of a $50 off $150 coupon.  While I was able to resist a promo code or two and a 20% off coupon, when the vest I've been eyeing finally became available I became weak.  Before I knew it there was a message from J Crew stating "thanks for your purchase".  Seriously this is it though.  No mas!

The last of my 2014 purchased have arrived and with the exception of some Amazon subscribe & save items, I do not plan to see any deliveries with my name on it.  Oh dang, I just remembered I also bought some nail polish from Sephora.  It was back ordered & when I received the email notification that it was back in stock I jumped at the chance to own it.  There was a pleasant surprise when I discovered the polish was on sale, SCORE!

Still cleaning out my closet and I know that I really can't bring anything else in.  I have all that I need, plus some.  I will make it through the rest of the year with no new clothes.  Word is bond.  Do people still say that?  I can't think of anytime that I've actually said that in a conversation but it felt like a real "word is bond" moment, ya know...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Me & My Tims...

In my closet there are two pairs of Tims.  A pair of dark brown ones that I loved to wear... in high school.  And another pair that were my "special" Tims, that I've probably only worn about four times. Four times... in high school.  So about 15+ years ago I wore Tims, yet they are still in my closet.  Actually I just moved them from one side of my closet to another along with a pair of Isaac Mizrahi for Target kitten heel pumps that still have the tags on them and a bunch of other shoes/sneakers.  While I know in my heart that I should donate all the shoes in my closet I just... can't.

All these cuts are super draining and I just can't deal with letting go of more stuff at this moment.  Plus seeing those items are a blast to my past.  I remember visiting my sister at UMES and going to the Timberland outlet where I purchased the brown pair. One pair of Puma sneakers were purchased with one of my oldest friends on South Street.  She got a nose ring the same day! Oh to be young again...

So I'll tackle those boxes one day, just not today.  For now they are all on the top right side of my closet, freeing up the left side for storage.  Planning on ordering some shelf separators to enhance the space.

Oh and I went to the mall Saturday to do a bit of returning (gimme back my money Sephora/Madewell/J. Crew) and it was unbearable.  That's a story for another day though...

Friday, January 2, 2015

Pre Gaming...

I've been cleaning my closet for about four days now & it feels like that Sheryl Crow song... the first third cut is the deepest... This third cut is horribly hard.  I've already reduced my white v neck tees from thirteen to six, what more do you people want from me??!!??? Until now I didn't realize how much of an attachment I had to clothes and actually stuff in general.  I have waaaaay more than I use and I'm growing sick of that lifestyle.  It's a feeling that has been lingering for a while but I have let shopping become so much of who I am that I'm actually a bit worried I won't be myself without it...

Fear can be immobilizing.  It can keep you stagnant and movement/change is the only way to break free.  The fact that I have an issue with reducing my white v neck tees from six to maybe four or (gasp) three is a huge wake up call.  It's fear holding me back.  The kind that I can't quite describe but maybe someone also relates.  I gotta keep pressing on with this third cut...

Once I get my closet clutter under control I will be ready for my year of no new clothes.  The plan is to establish a basic uniform kinda like Michael Kors.  Though I despise his handbag line, I've always admired his personal style, or maybe lack thereof.  My uniform will consist of: blazer/cardigan, blouse/tee/light sweater, jeans/pants.  Realized earlier this last year (gosh that's going to take some getting used to) that the right assessories can make/break any outfit.  The right bag/shoe/baubles can turn any outfit from "blah" to "yes honey!"

After this last swipe I will be one step closer to living the minimalist lifestyle that I want.  Excess is sooooooo 2014.  New year, new plan.  Let's get it... or let's not get it.  Let's just use what we have & put it away when we're done...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

So of course its been FOREVER since I last posted.  Yeah, my bad.  No time for looking back, what's done is done.  Moving right along...

It's February already!  Dang this year is flying. I did yet another Whole 30 in January & while it was a success in the aspect that I stuck to the plan, overall I feel I failed.  I overate nuts *again*, probably ate a bit more fruit than I wanted, and polished of an entire bag of peanut butter Oreos once it was over.  Eh, it happens.  I don't regret any of it.  Again, what's done is done...

It just proved that I has A LOT of work to do when it comes to improving my nutrition & slaying the sugar dragon for once and for all.  So I thought about things,  read a few articles online & concocted a new plan hoooooo!

*insert pause to create drama & increase interest*

Going back to clean eating but cutting fat *homemade mayo, I will miss you*, no nuts, fruit only on days that I go to CrossFit (CF), and an increased focus on veggies.  Though I've been buying primarily chicken thighs, I will be returning to the less fatty, less flavorful chicken breast *tear*

Also going back to working out twice a day a few times a week.  Starting to realize just going to CF three times a week just ain't gonna do it.  So I will be doubling up on activities.  CF in the morning, yoga in the eve.  Cardio class in the morning, CF in the evening.  Well, you get the idea.  Then two days a week I will run intervals hoooooo.  Take that thigh fat! Take it!!!

While aggressive, the new goal is 2.5 lbs a week for 8 weeks which means by the end of March I will be 20 lbs lighter.  At this point it's a must, not an option.  I gotta get bk in my size 6 jeans & then move on to get bk in those 4s.

So this blog will be me sharing my get fit plan.  My get it right, get it tight plan.  My ooooh girl you sexy plan.  My damn chica, you gots it all the way going on plan.  My... well you get it.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Friday, July 20, 2012

So um yeah... pt 2

Two years??!!??? I PROMISE that I'm going to post more.  Not that anyone reads my little blog, just because the only posts I have are about me not posting.  Actually a co-worker & I have kicked around the idea of us sharing a blog.  Well really I suggested it & he sorta nodded.  So maybe I kicked the idea and he almost caught it.  I would say that's a fair representation of what happened.  Maybe we could alter the name of the site to "They're So Unusual..." since he not not 100% normal either.

Then again what is normal?  As I grow older wiser I realize I have no desire to be anything but myself, as odd & unusual as that might be.  The more I embrace who I really am, the more "normal" I feel I guess.  I dunno... for me it's just easier to not care what people say/think about me.  Mainly because I've realized the people that do the most talking/thinking about other people are really the most sad people on the planet.  They need a hug... and a slap... and then another hug... *wonders if anyone gets the reference*

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Um yeah its been a while...

So it happened again... i say ooooh yeah imma blog, but then um... i dont. i guess im a slacker like that. after reading my last post not much has changed. folks in the ladies room are still yucky & gross me the heck out. im still quite obsessed w/ LV and bought a new LV stole today on bonanzie *or at least i think thats the site*. and i still love me some body berry. or is it berry body. either was its tasty as hell.

Speaking of body berry ive been hitting them hard lately. mainly b/c i had my wisdom teeth out & have been experiencing moments of intense mouth pain. i mean really, i could have just kept the stinking teeth. oh & the dentist had the nerve to say "oh well it might take you a little longer to recover since you're a bit older than my normal patient" WTF! im thirty, not eighty. AND people say that i look younger now than i did when i was young. i got carded in London, thank you very much!!!

While London is still calling ive been having a hard time trying to decide where im going to vacay this year. so far ive narrowed it down to NYC in April, ATL in May, and maybe MIA in June. i havent bought any tickets or made any reservations so anything can change. the only thing that is certain is that i need to sell some of my LV.

My LV collection has grown outta control. i have so many bags i often forget exactly how many i have. while this is a problem many would probably want to have i would rather sell some than have a super huge collection.

Milkawhat??!!??? okay i love that commercial, tee hee. on that note imma go. see you later...